Thursday, June 23, 2011

recipe for android emulator running Maps and Market

trying to get a working android emulator with Google Maps and Market.

some guides that didn't get us a working Market (Vending.apk):  (LOTS of comments)
best comment:

google apps on emulator:

porting google apps/sync --
clued us in on the framework/lib stuff needed copying

first good guide:
also clued us in on what we needed to do.

resources to grab:
cyanogenmod 4 DRC83 google apps:

basic recipe:

1. create an AVM (SDK version 4 - android 1.6 works with the DRC83 image below)
2. copy the default system.img from the android-sdk-mac_x86/platforms/android-X/images/ directory to the AVM (on a mac it's in $USER/.android/avd/YOUR_AVM_NAME_HERE/
3. Launch the AVM (using the android AVD manager will hang you up with a full system partition)
   ~/src/android-sdk-mac_x86/tools/emulator -avd fun -partition-size 128
(wait for it to boot)
4. adb remount (remounts the /system volume read/write)
5. adb pull system/build.prop
6. comment out the line: #ro.config.nocheckin=yes in build.prop
7. push it back: adb push build.prop system/build.prop
8. copy missing files in DRC83 tree :

to copy all files missing in the emulator from the tree:

mkdir DRC83 ; cd DRC83 ; unzip ../

for i in $(find system) ; do \
adb shell ls $i | grep "No such file" && \
  echo adb push $i $(dirname $i) && \
       adb push $i $(dirname $i) ;

file permissions are not synced when doing this.
i do not claim this to be correct, but I couldn't get 'adb sync' to work

Things working:
Maps, Market

Things not working:
Gmail/Calendar/Contact sync

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