Monday, July 26, 2010

tynt sux0r

The way Tynt works is fairly simple. They attach a listener to the browser’s copy event that creates a hidden div with your selected text + two line breaks + attribution + sponsorship and they select the new text using either setBaseAndExtent for Safari, selectNodeContents and addRange for FF/Opera, or moveToElementText and select for IE. The browser copies the new hijacked selection to your clipboard. The script then reselects the range of text you had selected originally to make it look as if nothing is going on behind the scenes — using Tamper Data or Firebug’s Net panel will easily tell another story though, as you’ll notice requests going out whenever you Ctrl+C.

Monday, July 19, 2010

super quick openwrt upgrade from WhiteRussian RC3 -> backfire 10.03

Downloaded 10.03 for brcm47xx :

convert .bin download to .trx - instructions at

dd bs=32 skip=1 if=linksys.bin of=linksys.trx

confirm file now begins at byte 0 with HDR0::

$ hexdump -C openwrt-wrt54g-squashfs.bin | grep HDR0

then uploaded bin using scp

then installed using mtd:

mtd -r write firmware.trx linux

by default it's configured to bridge lan and wireless.
i just disabled DHCP, gave it a static IP, DNS and default gw.

configured wireless SSID + auth same as the other router in the house.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

never feel the need again to source .bashrc

export BASHRC_MTIME=`stat -c%Y ~/.bashrc`
auto_update() {
if [ ! $BASHRC_MTIME ] || (( "`stat -c%Y ~/.bashrc`" > $BASHRC_MTIME )); then
source ~/.bashrc

of course this comes at some cost - a call to stat() every prompt.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

thank you

I've been looking for a copy of a CD I lost a long time ago in a foreign country.
Human Beings - For The Time Being -- was its name. - is a $40 copy being sold on ebay.

I still have the album case/liner notes... but no plastic disc. - discography


"Free Download" -- what's that you tell me? omg.

Sorry to hear about the band member... 41 and done in by a stroke.. so talented, so young.

His website:


Update (2011-07-12):

Allert has a nice profile with links to his band's music at:
and his website with links to bandcamp for free play/download of all the albums:

Full album:

And another band for a good cause:

#RSFtalks with Edward Snowden

What an intelligent, thoughtful individual. I find it difficult to forgive 44 for failing to pardon this patriot and instead pursuing him ...

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